Inmate Boy ‘n’ Man
As a Boy I drew the World,
from an Ideal view
Land green, Clouds white, Sea and Ocean blue
Crooks bad, Cops good, sure that justice shines through
As a Man, if asked, I'd say " This just ain't true"
Experience, is the difference, tween ideal and what's real
You must ride the road, before the potholes you can feel
Knowing they exist, or even where they are
Will never inflict the pain, of the back crushing jar
I rode the rail of justice, when accused of a crime
Ticket price was high, hired a Barrister, for a time
The Boy was still inside, was expecting justice clear
The Man soon learned the truth was not the issue here
Legal games and theatre, soon played out just like a jig
Characters with scripts writ by Prosecutors in wigs
This play was for the Jury, Being paid to watch the show
Actors pay came later from the Compo Judge bestowed
Joe Taxpayer paid the others, playing in this legal Jam
I didn't have a part, except when named, I said, "I am"
So now I'm housed and fed, while Joe Taxpayer foots the Bill
Neighbours talk of exploits, Armed Rob and those they've killed
The Boy must leave forever, this place would scare him stiff
He'd show a sign of weakness, get stabbed with Prison Shiv
Be gang raped in the showers, pushed down a set of stair
No time to take step backwards, when facing angry glare
Step up, hit back harder, only tactic that will fly
Get hard, and then get tougher, for now I must survive
But wait, the Boy must surface, just briefly on the Phone
Man is now too scary, for Loved ones still at home
They face their first world problems, daily as before
Emails, Texts and Lattes, or Red or White to pour?
Just one must live this nightmare, not all, I love and care for
So Boy, you need to stay, ten minutes, not one Sec. more!
By Norman Ohl
Note: Inmate communication is controlled and limited. Phone calls are limited to 10 mins and cannot be made consecutively, to very small list of approved outside numbers.